Monday, October 25, 2010

Oops, I've been slack

It's been over a week since I updated. My bad. I've changed my work schedule a bit so I'm full time two days a week and doing half days for the rest. Been a bit tired the last week trying to get used to the new schedule but it should be all good soon. More hours = more pay, just in time for my new improved (for the bank that is) mortgage repayments to swallow the extra pay up :(

While we're on that topic, I'd like to have a whinge about how high the house prices are here in Canberra. Not that I expect much else since Canberra is full of well paid public servants but that doesn't stop me complaining. For us average folks, getting a nice place in a decent location is pretty difficult to do on one income. If we plan to have another little one in the near future and/or I get into med school, we'd have to survive on D's income alone. Sure, we could probably afford a nice little place out on the very edges of Canberra but I don't really want to spend hours every day going to and from work. Especially since right now, I'm only about 10 mins away from work. So the idea of doubling or tripling my travel time does not appeal.

I have to say though, in spite of the lack of space, living in an apartment that's close to heaps of shops, restaurants and other things has been great. But I can see Peanut needing a little extra space to play as he grows bigger and more interested in the world around him. Even now, he loves being taken out on the balcony for some fresh air and to watch the cars go past. In fact, if you take him to the balcony door, he'll unlock it and open it and start reaching for the outside. So I'm not sure how much longer we can stay here. I'll be sad to leave the convenience of this place and the friends I've made here though. But I'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

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