Monday, January 31, 2011


So very tired and I think I'm coming down with something so I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

My mind isn't 100% made up but I think I'm going to go for it. What have I got to lose right?

Good things:

1. My family is back from holidays after being away for over a month. Woo hoo!

2. Apparently Peanut has grown a lot while they were away. Double yay, since we're trying to get him to put on weight so that he won't be the shrimpy little kid that everyone picks on...

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I haven't decided what to do yet. When I have more time tomorrow, I'll write out my for and against arguments and we'll go from there. 

And now for the happy happy joy joy...

1. First orchestra rehearsal for the year today. It was nice to see everyone again and to have a go at playing some new music. I can tell I'm going to need to try and fit in more practice during the week. But hey, the challenge is what makes it so much fun right?

2. We turned Peanut's car seat around today so that it faces the front now. Aww, he's growing up so fast. I'm glad that we can see him when we're driving now. It sucks when the baby seat faces the back because you have no idea what's going on back there when you're driving.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Do I or don't I?

The GAMSAT registration closes in a few days. 2nd of Feb to be exact. I haven't registered yet. At this point, I'm not sure if I can do it. I know I'm nowhere near ready to take the exam. Just the thought of it is enough to give me heart palpitations...

*Okay, breathe Quin. Just breathe*

Am I crazy for wanting to do this? It's a lot of money and I'm certain that if I do this, it will be a practice for me so I can get an idea of how much more preparation I need to do for next year. So why am I so damn nervous and ready to run for the hills at the thought of it?? I think I'm out of practice with taking exams. I damn near had a panic attack when I did a music theory exam a couple of years ago. And that one was easy. I prepared for months before and I knew the exam format backwards. And I was still a nervous wreck. I can't imagine what I'll be like going into the GAMSAT where I'll have paid a heap more money to sit an exam that has so much more riding on it. Holy cow. I'll be reduced to a quivering puddle of nerves on the floor under my desk.

Arghh. Okay. I have a couple more days to (over)think about this. I'll make my decision by the end of this weekend. Onto the good stuff.

Today's good things:

1. Mid term performance review at work today. My supervisor is happy with my work and thinks I do more than would be expected for a part timer. Yay! It's nice to be appreciated and to feel like my contribution is being noticed :)

2. It's Friday! As much as I enjoy my job (most of the time) it's great when the end of the week comes. A whole weekend of Peanut and family and friends... What could be better?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sydney trip

Took Peanut to Sydney today to see the speech pathologist, audiologist and ENT. All is well and hopefully, we won't be doing anymore trips to Sydney for awhile. Now that he's older and a hell of a lot more active, Peanut doesn't like enjoy being cooped up in the car anymore. Heh. Can't really blame him either. His car seat looks pretty uncomfortable and it's boring when you don't have anything to do. Maybe it's time D and I learned how to sing more nursery rhymes. Off key twinkle twinkle anyone??

Good stuff that happened today:

1. Peanut can hear and his ears look good. Woo! Let's hope they stay that way.
2. I got a video of Peanut picking his nose... Muahahaha. Will have to save that one til his 21st :)

Ahh, I'm such an evil mum...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Trying to change my tune

I've come to a realisation. I complain a lot and have quite a negative attitude towards life in general. So, in an effort to stop this becoming my on-whine journal where I go to bitch about all the bad things that happen to me, I'm going to try and change track a little. Instead of obsessing about the things that get me down in the dumps, I'm going to start focusing on the good things in my life.

To help me pay more attention to the good things in my life, I will write about at least 2 good things that happen to me every day, no matter how mundane they may seem to other people. So if you don't want to read about the boring minutiae of my day, RUN! Quickly now! Get outta here before I start rambling!

Okay, still here? Let's do this then...

Good thing number 1: I slept in, got to work late, and still managed to get an awesome car park. Woo hoo! Usually by the time I get to work, the car park is chock full of people creatively parking on every square inch possible, which sucks for me since my car parking skills are pretty fail...

Good thing number 2: Peanut gave me 2 hugs today while I was just sitting on the floor watching him run around. He's just the sweetest little bub...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dear so and so

We turned up unannounced on our way to another commitment because we thought you were leaving in the next day or two and we wanted to say goodbye.

As is usually the case when we turn up, my darling was spirited away to go take care of some technical task or problem that no one else could/wanted to take care of.

But it turns out that the rest of the family was due to turn up soon too. You had invited them over for a farewell dinner, and you didn't tell us about it.

Then you had the audacity to chuck a hissy fit while we were in the other room because you thought you had to cater to us as well. Yes, I could hear you. The walls weren't sound-proofed enough to contain your high pitched bitching.

Well here's news for you. We weren't planning to stay. But thanks for excluding us and doing it with such class too. There's nothing more subtle than throwing money at your parents to cover the cost of the extra meals that we weren't staying around for.

We'll relieve you of our unwanted presence so you can have your farewell in peace. We know when we're not wanted and we wouldn't dream of staying and ruining your night.

If it had been my family that did this, I would have stayed and caused a scene and let you all know exactly what I thought of the whole situation.

My darling is way too nice to do that though. So I will follow his lead and swallow my anger for now.

I see the hurt in his eyes though when he realises his family has used him and then excluded him once again. And yet, he never says no when you ask him for help.

But know this. I see the way you and your family treat him and take advantage of him when it's convenient for you and the way you brush him aside when you're done with him. This is not the first time and it probably won't be the last either.

As our son grows up and starts to understand more, I will be more reluctant to put him in situations where he can see his dad being taken advantage of. I don't want him growing up thinking that it's okay to be treated like this. If we don't seem to come around as often anymore, I hope you understand why.

Love Quin