Monday, January 3, 2011

Dear so and so

We turned up unannounced on our way to another commitment because we thought you were leaving in the next day or two and we wanted to say goodbye.

As is usually the case when we turn up, my darling was spirited away to go take care of some technical task or problem that no one else could/wanted to take care of.

But it turns out that the rest of the family was due to turn up soon too. You had invited them over for a farewell dinner, and you didn't tell us about it.

Then you had the audacity to chuck a hissy fit while we were in the other room because you thought you had to cater to us as well. Yes, I could hear you. The walls weren't sound-proofed enough to contain your high pitched bitching.

Well here's news for you. We weren't planning to stay. But thanks for excluding us and doing it with such class too. There's nothing more subtle than throwing money at your parents to cover the cost of the extra meals that we weren't staying around for.

We'll relieve you of our unwanted presence so you can have your farewell in peace. We know when we're not wanted and we wouldn't dream of staying and ruining your night.

If it had been my family that did this, I would have stayed and caused a scene and let you all know exactly what I thought of the whole situation.

My darling is way too nice to do that though. So I will follow his lead and swallow my anger for now.

I see the hurt in his eyes though when he realises his family has used him and then excluded him once again. And yet, he never says no when you ask him for help.

But know this. I see the way you and your family treat him and take advantage of him when it's convenient for you and the way you brush him aside when you're done with him. This is not the first time and it probably won't be the last either.

As our son grows up and starts to understand more, I will be more reluctant to put him in situations where he can see his dad being taken advantage of. I don't want him growing up thinking that it's okay to be treated like this. If we don't seem to come around as often anymore, I hope you understand why.

Love Quin

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