Saturday, February 19, 2011

Not dead, just panicking

Well, I've been quietly freaking out since I registered to do the GAMSAT. The quiet freaking is because I haven't really told anyone other than my husband and one of my sisters that I'm doing this. I figure since this is probably going to be a practice run for me, I don't need to tell anyone else just yet. I could just imagine all my friends and relatives if/when they hear about my plans...

"How are your studies going dear?"

"Have you got your results yet?"

"Did you get into med school"

"Why do you want to give up IT for medicine anyway?"

"Have ya though about going into accounting/forestry/tap dancing instead?"

"Geez you're crazy. Craaaazyyy I tells ya"

Yeah, definitely don't want to hear any of that just yet.

I've been looking through the lists of things that other people have studied or thought they needed to study for previous GAMSATs and that's been another source of worry for me. Coming from an IT background, it's been quite awhile since I've done anything science related. I'll probably do a prep course before trying this again next year but I want to get an idea of what I need to work on before I do that.

Anyway, I'd better stop procrastinating here and get back to doing some study so that when 26/3 comes along, I don't feel like I've walked into a foreign language exam by mistake.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Thunderstorms and wii

 1. Big thunder storms came through this afternoon and dumped a heap of rain here. I was at work for most of it unfortunately but since I sit next to a window, I got to see some of it coming down. Unfortunately, there's a building next door to us so I only got to see the rain coming down and not the lightning that was flashing through the sky.

2. Had a nice evening with my sister. She came over and we all went for a swim and then had dinner and played some Wii sports resort games. Now I'm all sore and tired... Damn, I'm unfit...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chinese New Year!

Well, Chinese New Year eve anyway. Tomorrow is Chinese New Year. I should have taken the day off, but I didn't. Oh well. I'm not in the habit of taking days off just for the hell of it anyway. I'd much rather save my leave up for holidays...

So it looks like I have less than 2 months now to get my science knowledge up to a decent level. This is going to be fun seeing as I haven't actually touched anything remotely resembling chemistry, physics or biology since oh, let's say high school? Oh well. I've started going through a chemistry text and it's amazing how quickly it's all coming back to me though. In fact, some of the stuff I've been learning lately is stuff that I was meant to have learned in high school but never did. I just hope it'll be enough to be of some use to me in the GAMSAT...

Good things that happened today:

1. Steamboat dinner with my family to celebrate the coming new year. I ate about twice as much as I should have and I wish I could have fit even more in! I love steamboat and I look forward to it every year. Oh man, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. The soup, the fresh prawns, mushrooms, fish, cabbage, fish balls and other goodies that my parents always put in... *drools*

2. Peanut cuddles! What can I say? I'm totally in love with my gorgeous little Peanut! So much that I'm turning into one of THOSE parents. You know, the ones that never shut the hell up about their kids? Yeah, I'm becoming one of those. So sue me. He's adorable and I can't help myself :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Count me in

I just registered and paid to do the GAMSAT this year. What have I got to lose right? Other than $374...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hot and sunny with more of the same to come

1. Took Peanut to the pool today. I don't think he enjoyed it much. However, it was a 37 degree day and we have this nice pool in our complex that we hardly ever use, so he was damn well going swimming whether he liked it or not...

2. Had home made pizza for dinner. We took the easy way out and used pita bread for the bases but it was damn tasty nonetheless. Used some of the fresh basil and oregano we have growing out on our balcony now and it was food heaven! Gosh, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it...

Looking forward to tomorrow. 38 degrees and sunny and windy. Bring it on Summer!

Oh yes, and I think I'll register for the GAMSAT tomorrow. If the butterflies in my tummy don't kidnap me and spirit me off somewhere with no internet access...