Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oh the big bellies...

I go to a yoga class that finishes just before a pre-natal yoga class begins so I always see a few women with big bellies turning up early every week. Is it weird that I feel a bit of longing and envy over those big bellies? I miss being pregnant now that it's over and there's no telling when we'll be going through it again. Despite what other women generally say about being pregnant, it's not all morning sickness, swollen feet and ankles, being fat and all the other nasties that you always hear about. I quite liked it, having a little person in my belly that would give me kicks throughout the day and get hiccups quite regularly so that I could watch my belly jump up and down with the movement. And don't get me started on the anticipation and excitement of being on this new journey and knowing that you'll have something so very worthwhile at the end of it. I did a lot of yoga and calmbirth relaxations in preparation for the birth of Peanut and it was so nice to be able to take some time out of every day to relax and think about what was to come.

I wish we could start trying for a sibling for Peanut but we want to wait for the results of our genetic testing first since Peanut was born with a genetic condition called popliteal pterygium which was what caused his cleft. It's a different mutation of the same gene that also causes Van der Woude syndrome. The gene is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern so if one of us is carry a mutated copy of this gene, there's a chance we could have another kid with the same mutation. Although, neither of us has any visible symptoms, there's still a chance one of us could be carrying the mutated gene so I want to wait until we know for sure before we do anything. It really sucks having to put our lives on hold like this but I hope we get the results soon. I'm not sure what we'll do if one of is does have it. I guess we'll cross that bridge if we come to it...

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