Saturday, October 9, 2010

New wardrobe guidelines

So having come to the conclusion that I need new clothes, now I need to figure out what sort of new clothes I'm going to get. The last thing I need is to replace the dorky crap that my mother bought for me with similar dorky crap that I buy for myself...That being said, there are a few requirements that all pieces of clothing applying for a spot in my closet need to meet:

1. Cost. If it's going to cost me more than say, $30, it'd better have some pretty damn special qualities. Like, maybe self cleaning/ironing. Or giving me the ability to fly...

2. Low maintenance. If I can't chuck it in the washing machine and dryer and have it come out relatively wrinkle free, it's out. I mean, do I look like I have time to be ironing my clothes in between all the other things I have to do??

3. Not dry clean only. If I have to continue to pay to keep the damn thing clean, forget about it. The only time I will ever buy something that's marked dry clean only is if it's also marked as $10 or less. That way, it can take it's chances with the washing machine and if the machine wrecks it, I won't be too devastated.

4. Must not look like anything I would find in my mother's wardrobe. 

And that's all. I'm not asking too much am I?

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