Monday, October 4, 2010

Oh the memories

I just went back and read over my old blog. Eeep. I'm wondering if I should delete it or at the very least, sanitise some of the posts in it since it would probably offend a few people if they should ever find it and link it back to me...

I'm somewhat amused and a little horrified at the same time to see the sorts of things that went through my head and the fact that I thought it was appropriate to post all of it online. And I'm pretty sure the stuff I posted was me censoring myself as best as I could at the time as well. Yikes. I think (hope?) my brain to keyboard filter is functioning a little better these days though. Although, sometimes, I feel like it's working a little too well to the point where all that I can write about is the dry and boring things that won't offend anyone! Maybe tomorrow, I'll post about the weather. How awesome would that be?

I'm also a lot more conscious about using any sort of identifying information these days. Privacy and anonymity on the internet didn't really worry me a few years back. But nowadays, I'm not only writing about myself, I have a little Peanut and husband who are the two most important people in my life so I will mention them every now and then. It wouldn't really be fair of me to compromise their privacy for my own need to blab about my life to random people on the internet (no offense to random internet peoples who might be reading this!). So that's why I will continue to refer to my little boy as Peanut. I'll have to come up with an appropriate nickname for my husband as well. Heh.

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