Friday, September 3, 2010

Unexpected visitor

Don't you hate it when people come over and you're not expecting them?? Our place is a mess, we've just had a whole heap of Tupperware arrive today and are in the process of washing it and sorting what will go in each container so there's containers and lids everywhere. And I'm on the breast pump, boobs exposed to the world. That's an awesome look right there. I hear it's the latest trend for this spring...

Anyway, you can imagine this is not the best time to have a distant friend from out of town turning up to use the internet because he's just arrived in town and hasn't booked any accommodation yet. Who the hell travels to another state without arranging where he's going to stay beforehand? Sure hope this wasn't his surreptitious way of trying to bum some free accommodation from us while he's here. I mean, hey, I'll be on and off the pump all evening and tomorrow morning. But don't let that stop you. Feel free to stay and enjoy the boobie show every couple of hours!

And there she is. My bitter, twisted and cynical side. I knew I couldn't keep her hidden for long.

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