Thursday, September 23, 2010

Because life just isn't hard enough yet

I'm planning to do the GAMSAT next year and apply for med school. I always wanted to be a doctor when I was young but I sort of lost my way through high school and college. When I got my craptastic UAI after year 12 (and believe me, it was well deserved due to lack of effort and motivation and untreated shortsightedness), I thought I'd pretty much shut the door on any hopes of becoming a doctor. Hell, I thought I'd shut the door on uni full stop, it was that bad. Lucky for me, my parents were able to pay for me to do a couple of units of my IT degree full fee so that I could use the results of those to gain a place at uni.

I only found out earlier this year that post grad medicine was actually a possibility, assuming my GPA is good enough and I kick GAMSAT butt. I do have a fail in my academic transcript that could screw me over a bit. And it was for a class I didn't even need to do so now I'm kicking myself for doing it and not withdrawing when it looked like I wasn't going to be passing...

Anyway, now I'm looking at what I need to do to prepare for this exam. I think first thing I need to do is to brush up on my science knowledge a bit since I'm pretty rusty there. And practice essay writing. And somehow prepare for the reasoning in humanities and social sciences section. And since I've spent most of this year procrastinating and doubting myself, I've got about 6 months or less to do all this preparation. Should be no worries fitting that in around my work and my family responsibilities right?

Lol, wish me luck hey? I'm sure I'll be back here whinging and procrastinating when things get too hard...

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