Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mischievous peanut

Since my cheeky little peanut has worked out how to crawl and pull himself up using coffee tables, entertainment units, chairs, cabinets, well you get the picture, life has been getting a lot more complicated. For one thing, we've had to slowly baby proof this place to keep him from getting into things he shouldn't be touching. And it's not just the safety stuff either (power points, cables, etc), anything that we don't want to get drooled on, puked on, thrown onto the floor (that's right, you keep far away from my camera and laptop now, you hear??), or beaten into a pulp by pudgy little food/drool covered baby hands needs to be moved out of reach. Heaven forbid if I want to use my laptop on my lap. As soon as he sees me on the couch with my laptop, he makes a beeline for me.

Peanut: Oh mummy, I see you're using my favourite toy in the whole wide world!!

Quin: Ahhhh!! Peanut attack!!11!11ONE!!

Peanut: Om nom nom nom nom, these ports on the side sure are tasty! Let me add some regurgitated milk for that extra special flavour! *drools/pukes*

Quin: *mad scramble to finish what she's doing and pack up the laptop*

Peanut: But you can't be done yet! I've still got some playing to do! Here, let me help you with what you were doing! *sfdknvvs smzdz.dclmfdm;,vxcz sdl;lmda;,xcz*

Laptop: Unknown USB device. Pukey baby drool is not a recognised device. Please reinstall your drivers and try again.

Quin: *Sigh*

So, anyone want to buy a laptop? Slightly used. USB port might or might not be functional. Anyone? Anyone??

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