Friday, August 20, 2010

Hello world!

Well, it looks like I'm a little late to this blogging game. Had to try so many URLs before I got one that wasn't taken. Damn you, procrastination! Anyway, I've been thinking about doing this for awhile but signing up just seemed too hard. I used to keep a diary as a kid and it's been most amusing to go back and see all the odd things that used to go through my mind when I was younger. It's been years though since I've done any sort of writing and I figured it was time I started again. For one thing, if I don't write things down, I tend to forget them after awhile. That's right. Not even thirty yet and I'm already going senile. Go me.

So. Here we are. You know, this is a lot harder than I remember. I think I'm a bit out of practice when it comes to getting my thoughts out in a coherent form. Yeah, don't ask me how the hell I get by at work. I just do my best to avoid anything that involves writing or editing documentation. As a computer nerd, it's not hard to do that most of the time since I'm usually neck deep in (buggy) java code or tangled up in some big ass SQL statements. But occasionally, I have to review requirements (fun stuff) so that I know what the hell I'm meant to be building. Or even worse, I have to document what I've done (oh, the horror). I think working in IT has just about sucked out all the passion I ever had for anything computer related. Funny how getting paid to do something you thought you loved can show you just how much you can hate it isn't it?

Anyway, it's Friday today. Hooray! A whole weekend of freedom! Well, as much freedom as you can have with a 9 month old who's starting to get into everything. Ugh. Why can't babies stay immobile until they have enough sense to not chew on power cords or forget that since they needed the coffee table to pull themselves up, they need to bloody well keep HOLDING ON once they get to standing position?? Sigh. Meanwhile, we've had to baby proof our apartment as much as possible. Moving cables and power cords to places that can't be reached by little baby arms, tidying up piles of junk so they don't get nommed on, etc etc, blah blah blah, baby proofing, blah. This place has never been neater. Well, not since we moved in anyway. But in spite of the relative neatness, I think our interior decorating leaves much to be desired. Oh well. Can't see myself having enough time to do anything about it in the near future...

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