Sunday, December 19, 2010


So here's the thing with Peanut. There's a possibility that he'll be missing teeth or have teeth turning up where they're not supposed to be because of his cleft. We know this and there's really not much we can do about it so we're going to take the wait and see approach.

Our families are mostly aware of this as well but there are certain family members that just can't leave it alone.

They keep asking us what's going on with his teeth.

We have a doctor's appointment, they want to know if we asked the doctor whether he'll be getting teeth or not.

They ask if Peanut has had any x-rays to see if he has teeth.

When we say no, they tell us we should have x-rays done so that we can see what's going to be coming out, or not coming out as the case may be.

Teeth, teeth, teeth.

Arrgh. It's all I can do to keep my mouth shut and not say anything too sharp back to them. I mean, what would be the point of having x-rays done?? As far as I can tell, there wouldn't be any benefit to us see if his teeth are developing properly or not. They'd be baby teeth which he'd lose sooner or later anyway. So why would we want to expose him to all that radiation now if we're not actually going to get anything out of it? Grrrr. Think about it people...

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