Saturday, December 18, 2010

Please excuse me while I wallow in self pity

I'm feeling kinda bummed right now. Please feel free to not read any further if you don't want to read my thoughts about why I'm such an anti-social butterfly. Don't say you weren't warned...

Orchestra has finished up for the year and I've come to a realisation that although I've been part of this community for the past 4 years, I haven't formed any real friendships there. I get the feeling that if I left this orchestra, the people there wouldn't give me a second thought. Don't get me wrong though. I'm not blaming anyone in the orchestra because they are a really wonderful group of people. It's more to do with me and the way I relate to people because I get the same sort of vibes from people at work and any other social situations I find myself in. I always find myself on the fringes, not quite knowing how to fit in or talk to people and too chicken shit to actually talk to people in case I say the wrong thing or offend people.

Sigh. I wonder if it's hereditary. My mum seems to be the same way with people and I always used to wonder why she has no friends. Now, I get it and I hate it. I don't want to be like her. She's everything I don't want to be... And yet, I can't seem to help behaving like her sometimes. A lot of the time actually. Geez. I'm doomed. Wonder if there's some sort of behaviour modification or hypnotherapy I can try to get the crazy out of my head :(

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