Saturday, April 16, 2011

Things to remember for GAMSAT 2012

It's been about 3 weeks since the GAMSAT. Since I walked out of the testing centre, I've just been bumming around and relaxing. And playing with my new phone. I've found some new addictive games to play so with all this free time on my hands, I'm damn well going to play them and enjoy them...

I haven't been totally slack though. I've spent some time thinking about and processing the whole GAMSAT experience and I'd like to write down some of the things I want to remember for next time because you can bet that I'll have forgotten just about everything by the time the next GAMSAT rolls around.

Try to relax the day before
I spent the day before doing a practice exam but all that really helped to do was wind me up and get me even more nervous than I needed to be.

The night before the GAMSAT, I went to bed about an hour earlier than usual and couldn't sleep. Not sleeping the night before an exam isn't the greatest idea but obviously, my brain didn't get the memo on that one.

More essay practice
My essays were quite lame and repetitive. And short. Ugh. I feel for the people who have to actually read my essays and mark them. Or maybe they're laughing at them for being so sad and incoherent. How embarrassing. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now except to improve on my essay writing skills...

More science prep
The science section was quite tough and I was definitely under prepared going into it but then, I was kind of expecting that. The study that I did manage to fit in helped but it wasn't enough. Especially for the organic chemistry questions. I think I ended up guessing most of those. And the physics questions too. Actually, when I think about it, I probably guessed more than half the questions in section III so I'm not looking forward to getting my results back for that.

So after a sleepless night and extreme nervousness, I was all hyped up on adrenalin. It got me through the morning but by the time the afternoon rolled around, I had a massive headache. And I didn't have any panadol with me. Hell, I was actually considering taking one at lunch cause I had the beginnings of a headache but then I convinced myself that it was fine and that I didn't need one. Which is why a couple of questions into section III, my head was pounding and I was finding it damn difficult to concentrate. Heh. So next time, I will take a panadol if I feel like a headache is coming on and I will bring some to the exam anyway, just in case...

Chill out once the exam is over
I'm not too worried or stressed about the results or when they're coming out. I'm just relieved that it's all over for now and I won't have to worry about it again until later on this year when I have to start preparing again. But for now, I'm just going to let my brain melt for a little bit... Heh.

1 comment:

  1. Gamsat
    Thanks for taking the moment to consider this, you are also sharing an important things regarding GAMSAT.
